Volunteer Resources
Covid-19 and Volunteer Management
The NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organisations) has some excellent information and links for involving volunteers during Coronavirus that is regularly updated as the changes in law happen. See the list below and this attachment https://knowhow.ncvo.org.uk/coronavirus/volunteers for guidance.
Best Practice in Managing Volunteers
As this is a time of great urgency, your organisation may have needed to create new volunteering roles specifically to cope with the challenges of the Covid-19 crisis. Your capacity may need to be larger, or you may have to work in a completely new way. With all that in mind, best practice in managing your volunteers should still apply, and be adjusted and adapted as conditions change. We are here to help you with this.
If you are creating new volunteer role descriptions and would like some guidance, please do send these to us and they will be happy to take a look and advise accordingly. You can contact Diana, our Volunteering Development Officer
With over 90 charities and community groups delivering services in Battersea, there is no question that many, if not all of them are being supported in some way by volunteers.  Volunteer Management is the process and practices you use to find, recruit and retain volunteers.  
It will look and feel different in each and every organisation but the principles are still the same: 
Identifying organisational needs/gaps for using volunteers 
Volunteer Role Development 
Advertising Volunteer Roles 
Interviewing, Referencing, DBS checking Volunteers 
To accept or decline a Volunteer 
Inducting and Training Volunteers 
Volunteer Supervision 
Learning and Development 
Volunteer Reward and Recognition 
Good practice ensures that what you do in Volunteer management is consistent, of quality, safe and effective. Good practice also ensures that you keep the volunteer at the heart of your volunteering programmes and balance their needs with the needs of the organisation. 
It is essential that organisations spend time planning and thinking about these processes before embarking on using volunteers – even just one. The following resources and fact sheets will help you prepare for using volunteers and developing volunteer programmes. They will also help you review your current Volunteer Management processes. 
Recruitment - Processes and Links to the Resources
Volunteer recruitment process
Every organisation will do this slightly differently, but this is generally how it goes. Think about where you save this data and how you log each step to ensure you have done it.
Develop Volunteer policy and other policies relating to volunteers e.g complaints procedure etc.
Undertake Risk Assessment of role and activities.
Advertise new volunteer role.
Receive new volunteer enquiry from the advert.
Send application form with a cover letter to the volunteer.
Receive application back
Invite for interview
Accept or reject volunteer
Request References
Receive references back
Complete DBS check (if necessary)
Deliver role specific training.
Undertake general induction
Complete volunteer agreement.
Complete a new starter form.
Give volunteer handbook
Volunteer Management
Learning and development.
Supporting Volunteering in Battersea
Do you need help with your volunteer programme? 
If you need support attracting more volunteers or want to ensure that your programme follows good practise, then Battersea Volunteers offers 1-2-1 support to all not for profit organisations in Battersea . Contact Diana or call 07956 617 084
Battersea Virtual Volunteer Managers’ Network
Now more than ever, it is important that we work together to help each other find solutions, share ideas and resources. The Volunteer Managers’ Network takes place quarterly. You can sign up to these events on Eventbrite by clicking Here
Volunteer Management Support
Support and advice for organisations around Volunteer Management Good Practice
If you run a volunteer programme or involve volunteers in the daily running of your organisation or community group, knowing that you are doing it with best practice in mind is a great recognition for your organisation and for those looking to volunteer with you.
We offer a range of support from 1-2-1 advice including Health Checks, training, Volunteer Managers Network and Good Practice Bulletins. Email Diana.
Volunteer Management Health Check
Using the 10 Areas of Best Practice, our Volunteer Management Health check will question your processes and practices in all these areas and determine how far along the road you are to achieving "Best Practice" for your programme.
It is important to remember that "Best Practice" isn't for everyone and will depend on many factors. For some, "Basic Practice" is all that is needed and for others who are looking to achieve Investors in Volunteers, "Best Practice" is where they need to be.
Battersea volunteers want to celebrate organisations who are willing to work to the principles of Best Practice around Volunteer Management so we can attached a list of organisations that have gone through the health check with us.
All these organisations are given a Certificate to proudly display showing they want to provide a great experience for volunteers in their organisations.
If you want to see how your Volunteer Programme compares to Best Practice, make an appointment for a Volunteer Management Health Check by emailing Diana
Advertising your Volunteer Roles
If you have Volunteer Roles you wish to advertise you can do this on the Wandsworth Care Alliance Volunteer brokerage site website.
If you need some support around thinking about what roles you might like to develop or creating a volunteer role description through to advertising it, we are more than happy to help. Email Diana
Share your Story with Us
If you have a story to share about your volunteering or your work with volunteers, we would love to hear about them. Please email Diana. We will share it on our page and promote it on social media.