Battersea Volunteers
Volunteers are the life blood of most local community organisations without whom they simply would not be able to provide the services they do. We rely on the enthusiasm, time and skills of our volunteers. They are core to the delivery of community services and the governance of our organisations. They tell us that they find the work very rewarding, and get back as much as they give. Volunteers add loads of value to community work, enabling groups to work with more local people, stretching their resources as far as they can, and enriching the quality of their services.
Battersea Volunteers is a new project of The Alliance (supported by Big Local SW11 and Winstanley & York Gardens Joint Venture), which aims to:
Work with community organisations in Battersea to support and develop best practices in volunteering.
Deliver training and one-to-one support in ‘Recruiting Volunteers’ and ‘Managing Volunteers’, so that community organisations in Battersea can take on more volunteers and be confident in how to support and manage them.
Celebrate volunteering in Battersea. As well as, raise the profile of what we all do in Battersea. We need to say a massive ‘Thank You’ to the volunteers who support and add value to our much-needed community services.
Support volunteer recruitment of local people to enhance the services that work with the local community.
Battersea Volunteers is a key component of The Alliance and Big Local SW11’s three-year strategy, which aims to tackle Isolation, Loneliness and Mental Health (Depression and Anxiety) in SW11.
Diana Hardman is the Volunteering Development Officer for Battersea and started September 2020 her role is to develop and expand volunteering across Battersea.
email Diana for more information or call on  07956 617 084.
How can you get involved?
How can we get the word out about this new venture? Do you use volunteers or want to use volunteers? Who else do you know that could benefit from this service? Refer yourself and refer two more organisations! Contact Diana Hardman

Need Volunteers for your Community Organisation?
The Big Local SW11 Alliance’s project ‘Battersea Volunteers’ is working in partnership with Wandsworth Care Alliance to establish a new volunteer service for the local community.
The BLSW11 Alliance has launched a new service in autumn last year called ‘Battersea Volunteers’, to support all aspects of volunteering in Battersea. Wandsworth Care Alliance are establishing a pilot project for a volunteer service across the whole borough of Wandsworth. Instead of duplicating work and building different systems, we decided from the start to work together.
Advertise your volunteering opportunities
We now have a new online platform to advertise your volunteer opportunities on. As volunteers apply, you can track and keep information on your volunteer’s progress all in one place.
To register any volunteering opportunities:
Click on this link to go to our website: https://volunteer.wandsworthcarealliance.org.uk
Based in Battersea and need help with volunteers?
If you are a Battersea-based community organisation and need support around your volunteer programme, contact Diana Hardman 07956 617 084 (m). She will be happy to talk with you.
Based in another part of Wandsworth?
If you are based in another part of the borough (i.e. NOT in Battersea) and a community organisation, and need some help, then please contact volunteering@wandcareall.org.uk