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Helen Murphy

Little Village

Tell us about Little Village

Little Village is like a foodbank, but for clothes, toys and equipment. We support parents with children up to the age of 5. Since the pandemic began, we have been busier than ever. Many families that were just about coping before the coronavirus outbreak are now struggling to make ends meet.

What made you want to become a trustee for Little Village?

Little Village is a cause that I feel extremely passionate about. I’m a mum of two children and I strongly believe that every child should have the chance to thrive.

Did you know much about Little Village before you became involved as a trustee?

Yes I’ve been involved in some capacity since the beginning. When Little Village first started out in 2015. I saw an advertisement on a local Facebook group asking people to donate their children’s clothes and equipment. My son and I went along to the first ever donation session to donate some of the things that he’d grown out of. I clearly remember him being dressed as a tiger! I became a volunteer in 2016 during a period of gardening leave and then jumped at the chance to apply to join the Board when Little Village advertised for Trustees in 2018.

What do you feel trusteeship adds to your personal and professional development?

I’ve worked for large corporations for my whole career, some of which I’ve liked more than others! It’s brilliant to give something back to a charity that I really believe in using the skills that I’ve learnt over the last 20 years.

What value have you been able to add to Little Village with your personal and professional experience?

I’ve been able to bring some of the best practices that I’ve learnt in the corporate world and apply them to Little Village. I’ve written a lot of policies since I’ve been here!

If you could give one piece of advice to someone thinking about becoming a trustee what would it be?

Being a Trustee is extremely rewarding but it is a big commitment. It’s much more than just turning up at a Board meeting once a quarter. It’s really important that you are passionate about the cause of the charity that you are working for and that you have time to perform the role to a high standard.

Helen Murphy

© 2021 by The Alliance Big Local SW11

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